Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Back from California





サオリを連れて初めての長い旅行でしたが、旅行中、いい子にしてくれていたので助かりました。夜中に何度も泣いて起きたり、車の中で大泣きしたり、飛行機では寝れなくって大変だったりと途中トラブルもあったけど(笑) でも新しい場所に行って、新しい人に出会ってたくさんのよい刺激を受けたと思います。旅行のせいかここ数日ですごく成長したような気がします。


We are back to Chicago! It's sad that our vacation in California is already over, but at the same time, it's nice to be back home again.

I meant to update my blog during the trip, but it never happened. Sorry about that. There are too many things I want to write about, but I am going to put all the pics together and update them first.

Anyways, our trip was sooo much fun! We went to many places and met lots of people! It was great. I loved the weather there too. Coming from Chicago, it just felt so warm all the time, but my friend who lives in LA says "Everyone in LA thinks it's so cold here.". Those people in California don't know what real coldness is like! However, this winter in Chicago is actually not so bad. We've been lucky!

Saori was doing great during the trip. But of course, she is still a baby, so she had to cry a lot sometimes ( in the car, in the plane, during the night...etc). But overall, she was stimulated by going to new places, meeting new people . I feel somewhat she has grown up so much during our vacation!

Now we are back to normal. Relaxed life in Chicago.

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